Saturday 31 January 2015

Where do your ideas come from?

I am interested in writers’ inspiration.
For some writers, stories always start with a place, somewhere that strikes them  so forcibly that the story unfolds around them.
Other writers start with a character, someone so interesting, so intriguing that they can almost tell the story on their own.
Some begin with the story itself, an idea inspired by a newspaper snippet, something someone says, a sudden sense of what if?
Some write for additional reasons, to get a point over, to add to our knowledge of the world or to make us think about an issue in a different way.
Whatever your motivation - and there will be many others - one thing is certain: if it drives you to sit down in front of that computer or lift up that pen, its got to be worth writing about.
So what sparks your imagination?
You can tell us at our Facebook site
John Dean

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