Monday 9 June 2014

The rules of the short story

I do a lot of teaching on the theme of short stories. Here’s some of the things I advise:
* Pick a strong idea that can work over short period - something that would not work as a novel. Best American Short Stories series editor Katrina Kenison wrote: ”A novel requires a real blueprint from the author, whereas a short story has a lot more room for spontaneity, and a whole story can arise from an image or a line or a character."
* The start - make it compelling just like with anything else, grab the reader
* Middle - develop the story but remember that you have limited space so pace
is crucial as is tight writing. Write in a series of short episodes
* Resist the temptation to pack too much in - concentrate on one story
* Restrict number of main characters, two, three tops
* The ending - Traditional short stories had a twist. Many still do although there is a trend towards stories that just stop. I prefer the twist and so, I think, do most readers.

John Dean

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